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The Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation Programme, ITEC for short, is the leading capacity building platform of the Ministry Of External Affairs, Government of India. Instituted in 1964, ITEC is one of the oldest institutionalized arrangements for international capacity building having trained more than 200,000 officials from 160+ countries in both the civilian and in the defense sector.

Apart from our regular calendar-based training programmes, India also responds to country-specific requests for training in specific areas of governance by organizing customized training programmes which are designed and delivered by the leading institutions in India.

Today, ITEC utilises a bouquet of varied modalities to meet its mandate of capacity building. Even as we have re-commenced in-person (or on-campus) courses, we have also introduced modalities like  eITEC(for online training using digital delivery platforms), ITEC-Executive (short-term policy-focused, in-person training for senior government executives), ITEC-Onsite and ITEC-Expert (onsite capacity building assignments carried out by Indian experts).

To apply for ITEC courses please visit https://www.itecgoi.in/index
