Speech by H.E. Mr. Vinod K. Jacob, Ambassador of India to the Kingdom of Bahrain in Arabic, Malayalam and English during ‘Grand Iftar Meet’ organized by Kerala Muslim Cultural Centre, Bahrain (14 March 2025).
കേരള സോഷ്യൽ ആൻഡ് കൾച്ചറൽ അസോസിയേഷൻ, ബഹ്റൈൻ സംഘടിപ്പിച്ച മന്നം ജയന്തി 2025 ആഘോഷ വേളയിൽ അംബാസഡർ ശ്രീ. വിനോദ് കെ. ജേക്കബിന്റെ മലയാളത്തിലെ പ്രസംഗം.
Speech by Ambassador H.E. Mr. Vinod K. Jacob in Hindi during the inauguration of Madhya Pradesh State Tourism & ODOP walls at the Consular hall of Embassy of India, Bahrain (11 Feb 2025).
Remarks by H.E. Mr. Vinod K Jacob, Ambassador of India to Bahrain on the occasion of reception marking 76th Republic Day of India on 26 January 2025.
Speech by H.E. Mr. Vinod K Jacob, Ambassador of India to the Kingdom of Bahrain in Telugu during the event 'Sankranti Sambaralu' organized by Telugu Kala Samiti, Bahrain (24 Jan 2025).
Interview of H.E. Mr. Vinod K. Jacob, Ambassador of India to the Kingdom of Bahrain given to 'Al Ayam' newspaper on the occasion of 76th Republic Day of India on 21 January 2025.
Speech by H.E. Mr. Vinod K. Jacob, Ambassador of India to the Kingdom of Bahrain in Tamil and English during the Pongal celebration organized by the Bharathi Association, Bahrain (17 January 2025).
Interview of H.E. Mr. Vinod K. Jacob, Ambassador of India to the Kingdom of Bahrain given to 'Salaam Bahrain' magazine on the occasion of 76th Republic Day of India on 16 January 2025.
विश्व हिन्दी दिवस के अवसर पर राजदतू श्री विनोद के. जैकब का अभिभाषण (10 जनवरी 2025).
फोकस राज्य - हिमाचल प्रदेश की 'एक जिला एक उत्पाद' यानी One District One Product (ODOP) तथा पर्यटन दर्शाने वाली दीवारों का उद्घाटन समारोह में राजदूत श्री विनोद के. जैकब का भाषण (25 नवंबर 2024).
Remarks of H.E. Mr. Vinod K Jacob, Ambassador of India to the Kingdom of Bahrain at the Annual Day celebrations of the New Millennium School in Bahrain on 23 November 2024.
తెలుగు కళా సమితి, మెగా షో సందర్భంగా భారత రాయబారి H.E వినోద్ కె. జాకబ్ గారు చేసిన ప్రసంగం
(౧౫ నవంబర్ ౨౦౨౪).
समस्त परिवार मिलन, बहरीन द्वारा आयोजित विजय दीपावली समारोह राजदूत श्री विनोद के जैकब का भाषण (15 नवम्बर 2024)
ಕನ್ನಡ ಸಂಘ ಬಹ್ರೈನ್ ಆಯೋಜಿಸಿದ ಕನ್ನಡ ವೈಭವ 2024 ರ ಸಂಭ್ರಮಾಚರಣೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ರಾಯಭಾರಿ ಶ್ರೀಯುತ ವಿನೋದ್ ಕೆ. ಜೇಕಬ್ ರವರ ಟಿಪ್ಪಣಿ
(08 ನವೆಂಬರ್ 2024)
Speech by H.E. Mr. Vinod K Jacob, Ambassador of India to the Kingdom of Bahrain at inaugural of event on “Focusing on Bilateral Investments” organized by Bahrain India Society (BIS) in coordination with the Embassy of India, Bahrain on 9 October 2024.
كلمة سعادة السفير فينود كوريان جاكوب خلال فعالية الإحتفال بذكرى ميلاد المهاتما غاندي و اليوم الدولي للاعنف (02 أكتوبر 2024 )
ഇന്ത്യൻ ക്ലബ് ബഹ്റൈൻ സംഘടിപ്പിച്ച "ഓണാഘോഷം 2024" പരുപാടിയിൽ അംബാസ്സഡർ വിനോദ് കെ. ജേക്കബ് മലയാളത്തിൽ നടത്തിയ പ്രസംഗം (26 സെപ്റ്റംബർ 2024)
Speech by H.E. Mr. Vinod K Jacob, Ambassador of India to the Kingdom of Bahrain at the Inauguration of the event titled, "Digital Transformation" organized by the Bahrain Chamber of Chartered Accountants of India [BCICAI] on 26 September 2024
ബഹ്റൈൻ കേരളീയ സമാജം സംഘടിപ്പിച്ച "ശ്രാവണം 2024" ഓണാഘോഷപ്പരിപാടിയിൽ അംബാസ്സഡർ വിനോദ് കെ. ജേക്കബ് മലയാളത്തിൽ നടത്തിയ പ്രസംഗം (20 സെപ്റ്റംബർ 2024).
हिन्दी दिवस के अवसर पर राजदतू श्री विनोद के. जैकब का सम्बोधन (14 सिसतम्बर 2024).
ਦੂਤਾਵਾਸ ਦੇ ਕੌਂਸਲਰ ਹਾਲ ਵਿੱਚ ਪੰਜਾਬ ਦੀਵਾਰ ਦੇ ਉਦਘਾਟਨ ਮੌਕੇ ਤੇ ਰਾਜਦੂਤ ਵਲੋਂ ਸੁਨੇਹਾ (੧੦ ਸਤੰਬਰ ੨੦੨੪).
महाराष्ट्र कल्चरल सोसाइटी, बहरीन द्वारा आयोजित केलेल्या गणेश चतुर्थी निमित महामहिम राजदूताने दिलेले भाषण (0७ सप्टेंबर २०२४)
Interview of H.E. Mr. Vinod K. Jacob, Ambassador of India to the Kingdom of Bahrain given to 'Gulf Insider' magazine on the occasion of 78th Independence of India on 05 August 2024.
Interview of H.E. Mr. Vinod K. Jacob, Ambassador of India to the Kingdom of Bahrain given to 'Salaam Bahrain' magazine on the occasion of 78th Independence of India on 04 August 2024.
Speech by H.E. Mr. Vinod K Jacob, Ambassador of India to the Kingdom of Bahrain at the commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the Kargil Vijay Diwas organized by Embassy of India, Bahrain in Manama on 26 July 2024.
Interview of H.E. Mr. Vinod K. Jacob, Ambassador of India to the Kingdom of Bahrain given to 'Bahrain This Month' magazine on the occasion of 78th Independence of India on 25 July 2024.
Remarks of H.E. Mr. Vinod K Jacob, Ambassador of India to the Kingdom of Bahrain at the inauguration of the B2B meeting organized by Embassy of India, Bahrain, Bahrain Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Bahrain India Society and APEDA on 25 July 2024.
ഗൾഫ് മാധ്യമത്തിന്റെ ഇരുപത്തിയഞ്ചാം വാർഷികാഘോഷത്തിൽ അംബാസഡർ വിനോദ് കെ ജേക്കബ് മലയാളത്തിൽ നടത്തിയ പ്രസംഗം
(18 June 2024)
كَلِمة سعادة السفير فينود كوريان جاكوب خِلال إحتفالية الذكرى ال25 لصحيفة غلف ماديامم (18 June 2024)
كَلِمة سعادة السفير فينود ك. جاكوب خلال حفل تخرج مدرسة النور العالمية لِطُلاب الصف العاشر والصف الثاني عشر من القسم الهندي.
(11 يونيو 2024)
Speech delivered by His Excellency Ambassador Vinod K. Jacob during graduation ceremony of Al Noor International School for students of Grade X and Grade XII of the CBSE Section (11 June 2024)
Remarks of Ambassador H.E. Mr. Vinod K Jacob on the topic, “Shifting Dynamics: Exploring the Arab World and India’s Evolving Relationship with Emerging Powers and Prospects with Arabian Gulf States” at the Bahrain Centre for Strategic, International and Energy Studies (Derasat) on 26 May 2024.
బహ్రయిన్ తెలుగు కళాసమితి నిర్వహిించిన ఉగాది సింబరాలలో భారత
రాయబారి శ్రీ వినోద్ కురియన్ జాకోబ్ గారు ప్రసింగిించిన
వ్యాఖ్యలు (24 మే 2024)
ബഹുമാനപ്പെട്ട അംബാസഡർ ശ്രീ വിനോദ് കെ ജേക്കബ് സീറോ മലബാർ സൊസൈറ്റിയുടെ "മേഴ്സി അവാർഡ്" ചടങ്ങിൽ നടത്തിയ പ്രസംഗം (11 മെയ് 2024)
كَلِمة سعادة السفير فينود كوريان جاكوب خلال حفل توزيع "جائزة الرحمة" من قبل جمعية سايرو مالابار (11 مايو 2024)
Speech delivered by Ambassador H.E. Mr. Vinod K. Jacob during the "Mercy Award" Ceremony by Syro Malabar Society (11 May 2024).
كَلِمة سعادة السفير فينود كوريان جاكوب خلال احتفالية يوم العمال بتنظيم النادي الهندي بحضور سعادة السيد جميل بن محمد علي حميدان، وزير العمل، مملكة البحرين (10 مايو 2024)
Speech delivered by Ambassador H.E. Mr. Vinod K. Jacob during the May Day celebrations by the Indian Club in the presence of H.E. Mr. Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan, Minister of Labour, Kingdom of Bahrain (10 May 2024)
ಬಸವ ಸಮಿತಿ ಬಹರೈನ್ ವತಿಯಿಂದ ಬಸವ ಜಯಿಂತಿ ಆಚರಣೆಯ ಸಿಂದರ್ಭದಲ್ಲಿ ರಾಯಭಾರಿ ಶ್ರೀಯುತ ವಿನ ೀದ್ ಕೆ. ಜೆಕಬ್ ರವರ ಟಿಪ್ಪಣಿ (10 ಮೀ 2024)
Remarks by Ambassador H.E. Mr. Vinod K. Jacob, on the occasion of Basava Jayanti celebration by Basava Samithi Bahrain (10 May 2024).
Remarks by Ambassador Mr. Vinod K. Jacob at the 15th anniversary celebrations of MCA in Bahrain on 9 May 2024.
Speech delivered by His Excellency Ambassador Vinod K. Jacob during the Inaugural of Indo Bahrain dance and music fest 2024
كلمة سَعادة اَلسفير فَينود كَوريان جَاكوب خَلال مَهرجان اَلهند اَلبحرين فَي نَادي اَلكيراليين اَلبحرينز (03 مايو 2024)
ବହାରେନ ଓଡିଆ ସମାଜ ଦ୍ୱାରା ଆୟୋଜିତ ଉତ୍କଳ ଦିବସ ସମାରୋହରେ ରାଷ୍ଟ୍ରଦୂତଙ୍କ ମନ୍ତବ୍ୟ (26 ଏପ୍ରିଲ୍ 2024)
Speech delivered by His Excellency Ambassador Vinod K. Jacob during the inaugural event of yoga classes in the Embassy of India premises. (09 March 2024)
كلمة سعادة السفير فينود كوريان جاكوب خلال حفل افتتاح جلسات اليوغا في مقر السفارة الهندية. (9 مارس 2024)
ರಾಯಭಾರ ಕಚೇರಿಯ ಕೋನ್ಸುಲರ್ ವಿಭಾಗದಲ್ಲಿ ಕರ್ನಾಟಕ ಗೋಡೆಗಳ ಉದ್ಘಾಟನೆಯ ಸಂದರ್ಭದಲ್ಲಿ ರಾಯಭಾರಿಗಳ ಟಿಪ್ಪಣಿ ( 16 ಏಪ್ರಿಲ್ 2024)
यूपी परिवार बहरीन द्वारा आयोजित यूपी दिवस के अवसर पर राजदूत महामहिम श्री विनोद के. जैकब का हिंदी में दिया गया भाषण। (23 फरवरी 2024)
رسالة سعادة السفير فينود ك. جاكوب عن كشك الدفع الرقمي الذي تم افتتاحه في السفارة الهندية، والابتكار وراء هذه المبادرة (February 7, 2024)
Remarks of H.E. Mr. Vinod K Jacob, Ambassador of India to the Kingdom of Bahrain on the occasion of the reception marking the Republic Day of India, 2024 (25 January 2024)
ಕನ್ನಡ ಸಂಘ ಬಹರೈನ್ ಆಯೋಜಿಸಿದ ಶ್ರೀ ಜಾವಗಲ್ ಶ್ರೀನಾಥರಿಗೆ ಸನ್ಮಾನ ಸಮಾರಂಭದಲ್ಲಿ ರಾಯಭಾರಿಗಳ ಟಿಪ್ಪಣಿ
26 ಜನವರಿ 2024
Remarks of H.E. Mr. Vinod K Jacob, Ambassador of India to the Kingdom of Bahrain at the Rotary Club of Manama on 21 January 2024.
தூதுவரின் பொங்கல் உரை (19 ஜனவரி 2024).
ಬಹ್ರೈನ್ ಇಂಡಿಯಾ ಸೊಸೈಟಿ ಮತ್ತು ಬಹ್ರೈನ್ಗೆ ಭೇಟಿ ನೀಡಿದ ಕರ್ನಾಟಕದ ಉದ್ಯಮಿಗಳ ನಡುವಿನ ವ್ಯಾಪಾರ ಜಾಲ ಸಂವಾದದ ಸಂದರ್ಭದಲ್ಲಿ ರಾಯಭಾರಿಗಳ ಟಿಪ್ಪಣಿ (18 ಜನವರಿ 2024)
Interview of H.E. Mr. Vinod K. Jacob, Ambassador of India to the Kingdom of Bahrain given to 'Bahrain This Week' magazine on 18 January 2024.
विश्व हिंदी दिवस - २०२४ के अवसर पर श्री विनोद के. जैकब, भारतीय राजदूत, बहरीन का भाषण, १० जनवरी २०२४
Interview of H.E. Mr. Vinod K. Jacob, Ambassador of India to the Kingdom of Bahrain given to 'Al Watan' newspaper on 26 December 2023.
Remarks of H.E. Mr. Vinod K Jacob, Ambassador of India to the Kingdom of Bahrain at the Bahrain India Society on 21 December 2023.
Interview of H.E. Mr. Vinod K. Jacob, Ambassador of India to the Kingdom of Bahrain given to 'Al Ayam' newspaper on 12 December 2023
Summary Remarks by H.E. Mr. Vinod K Jacob, Ambassador of India to the Kingdom of Bahrain at the event marking the conclusion of Children’s Parliament organized by the Sree Narayana Cultural Society on 10 December 2023.
Summary Remarks by H.E. Mr. Vinod K Jacob, Ambassador of the Republic of India to the Kingdom of Bahrain at the Carols Evening organized by YMCA Bahrain on 9 December 2023.
Summary Remarks by H.E. Mr. Vinod K Jacob, Ambassador of India to the Kingdom of Bahrain at the event to commemorate the declaration of Garba of Gujarat as Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO at Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain on 07 December 2023.
Remarks by H.E. Mr. Vinod K Jacob, Ambassador of India to the Kingdom of Bahrain at the inaugural session of the 15th Annual Conference titled, "Above & Beyond" organized by the Bahrain Chapter of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (BCICAI) on 1 December 2023.
Remarks by HE Mr. Vinod K Jacob, Ambassador of India to the Kingdom of Bahrain at DEEPOTSAV organised by SAMSKRUTI at Indian Club premises on 30 November 2023.
Remarks by H.E. Mr. Vinod K Jacob, Ambassador of India to the Kingdom of Bahrain on the occasion of Gurpurab at Salmabad Gurudwara in Bahrain on 27 November 2023.
Remarks of H.E. Mr. Vinod K Jacob, Ambassador of India at the talk on Space and the Future of Humanity by Dr. A. Sivathanu Pillai, Former Chief Controller (R&D), DRDO and Former Hon’ Distinguished Professor, ISRO held at Embassy of India, Bahrain on 25 November 2023.
Remarks of H.E. Mr. Vinod K. Jacob, Ambassador of India at the ITEC Day celebrations in Bahrain on 16 November 2023
Remarks of H.E. Mr. Vinod K Jacob, Ambassador of India at the Study in India Education Fair 2023 on 16 November 2023
Remarks of H.E. Mr. Vinod K Jacob, Ambassador of India at the inauguration of the International Book Fair and Cultural Festival in Bahrain jointly organized by Bahrain Keraleeya Samajam and DC Books, 09 November 2023
Remarks by H.E. Mr. Vinod K Jacob, Ambassador of India at the Classical Dance Event “Manifestation” organized by the Indian Fine Arts Society in Bahrain on 4 November 2023.
Interview of H.E. Mr. Vinod K. Jacob, Ambassador of India to the Kingdom of Bahrain given to 'The Daily Tribune' newspaper on 19 October 2023
Interview of H.E. Mr. Vinod K. Jacob, Ambassador of India to the Kingdom of Bahrain given to 'Bahrain This Month' magazine on 17 October 2023.
Interview of H.E. Mr. Vinod K. Jacob, Ambassador of India to the Kingdom of Bahrain given to 'Albilad Press' newspaper on 16 October 2023
Interview of H.E. Mr. Vinod K. Jacob, Ambassador of India to the Kingdom of Bahrain given to 'Gulf Daily News' newspaper on 12 October 2023
Remarks by H.E., Mr. Vinod K Jacob, Ambassador of India at the ceremony to felicitate the newly appointed Global Chairman of GOPIO, Mr. Sunny Kulathackal organised by GOPIO Bahrain Chapter on 14 October 2023.
Remarks by H.E. Mr. Vinod K Jacob, Ambassador of India at the Goa Tourism Road Show in Bahrain on 11 October 2023
Remarks by H.E. Mr. Vinod K Jacob, Ambassador of India at the induction ceremony of the new executive committee of Kannada Sangha, Bahrain, 06 October 2023.
06 Oct 2023
Remarks by H.E. Mr. Vinod K Jacob, Ambassador of India to the Kingdom of Bahrain, 2 October 2023.
02 Oct 2023
Remarks of H. E. Mr. Vinod K Jacob, Ambassador of India to the Kingdom of Bahrain at the World Heart Day celebrations 2023 at Bahrain Specialist Hospital on 28 September 2023.
28 Sep 2023
Remarks by H.E. Mr. Vinod K Jacob, Ambassador of India to the Kingdom of Bahrain at the interaction with Bahrain India Society, 25 September 2023.
26 Sep 2023
Remarks by H.E. Mr. Vinod K Jacob, Ambassador of India to the Kingdom of Bahrain at the interaction with Bahrain India Society, 25 September 2023.
26 Sep 2023
Remarks by H.E. Mr. Vinod K Jacob, Ambassador Designate at the "Connecting People" Awareness Camp organized by Pravasi Legal Cell-Bahrain Chapter, 23 September 2023.
24 Sep 2023
Remarks by H.E. Mr. Vinod K Jacob, Ambassador Designate at the THMC Connect in Bahrain on 23 September 2023.
24 Sep 2023
Speech by H.E Mr. Vinod K Jacob, Ambassador-Designate to the Kingdom of Bahrain on the occasion of Hindi Divas on 14 September 2023.
19 Sep 2023
Remarks by H.E. Mr. Vinod K. Jacob, Ambassador-Designate of India to the Kingdom of Bahrain at The Indian School, Bahrain on 7 September 2023.
07 Sep 2023
Remarks by H.E Mr. Vinod K Jacob, Ambassador-Designate to the Kingdom of Bahrain on the occasion of the reception on board Indian Naval Ship Vishakhapatnam at Mina Salman Naval Base, Kingdom of Bahrain on 16 August 2023.
20 Aug 2023